Dear friends,

long time no hear. I am sorry but with all the moving, touring and new baby it has been just too much. I promised Flo we would take the summer off, meaning no concerts and stuff on weekends, because we really need to take it slower. I too need this time of rest and settling in our new home. I will also take advantage of writing new song material, because I still find myself unhappy with my album. I know you all have been waiting and I don't blame you, if you're starting to despair. I guess I am still searching and I just don't want to bring out something half - you know what I mean. Otherwise we are talking of making a Community Party in the castle. Once of everything is confirmed we will tell you the exact dates for you to book the tickets. What's great is, there is a good chance the students, which sang with me in Lome will be there and we will do a concert together as well as you can listen to their witness. It's going to be a great event and my friends and I are doing everything to make this happen.
Be sure I think of you and I wish you all a great summer.

All my Love,


Oh ja, by the way, very soon we we'll have an exact figure of the donations done for the little school in Togo. We are still waiting on the info of Missio. Once we have that, we will also show the different examples of actions some of you did for this great baby bash.